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ESBU analysts anticipated the reimbursement of almost 72 million "schematic" VAT
posted 13 March 2023 17:10

Analysts of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine prevented an illegal VAT refund to one of the companies in the Kharkiv region.

Officials entered false information into official documents about the alleged remaining goods in warehouses. They artificially created and submitted applications for the return of budgetary VAT reimbursement for the total amount of UAH 71.6 million.

The conducted measures established the absence of the mentioned merchandise balances, which were sold without being reflected in the tax and financial statements and are actually not in the warehouses.

Based on the mentioned facts, in order to minimize and eliminate threats to the economic security of Ukraine from the activities of the mentioned enterprise, the detectives sent a recommendation to the State Tax Service to conduct an audit on the reliability of the calculation of the amounts of the budget VAT refund.

According to the results of an unscheduled inspection, the controlling body refused to reimburse the company from the budget, and a corresponding act was drawn up.

ESBU employees constantly monitor the financial and economic operations of economic entities, the volume of imported goods and the legality of declaring the budget VAT refund.

We will remind that recently ESBU analysts in Volyn predicted the transfer of UAH 62 million of state funds to an enterprise related to the russian federation. More details https://esbu.gov.ua/en/news/in-volyn-analysts-of-the-esbu-anticipated-the-transfer-of-uah-62-million-of-state-funds-to-an-enterprise-related-to-the-russian-federation

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