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  • Українською
Tasks and Functions

According to the Law of Ukraine dated 16.12.2020 No. 1089-IX "On the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine":

Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine is the central government agency of the executive power which is entrusted with the task of countering offences affecting the functioning of the national economies.

By the assigned tasks the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine performs law enforcement, analytical, economic, information, and other functions.

The main tasks of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine are:

 1. Identification of risk areas in the economic sector by analysing structured and unstructured data.

2. Assessment of risks and threats to the economic security of the state, and development of ways to minimize and eliminate them.

3. Submission of proposals for amendments to legal acts on the elimination of conditions for the creation of schemes of illegal activity in the economic sphere.

4. Ensuring the economic security of the state by preventing, detecting, terminating, and investigating criminal offences influencing the functioning of the state's economy.

5. Collection and analysis of information on offences influencing the economic security of the state and determination of ways to prevent their emergence in the future.

6. Planning measures in the field of combating criminal offences assigned by law to its jurisdiction.

7. Detection and investigation of offences related to the receipt and use of international technical assistance.

8. Drawing up analytical conclusions and recommendations for state bodies to increase the effectiveness of their management decisions regarding the regulation of relations in the economic sphere.

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