Dear citizens!
A request for information, the manager of which is the ESBU can be submitted:
The request for information should include:
The request for information must specify the preferred method of obtaining information.
Form submitting a request for public information in writing
Form for submitting a request for public information by e-mail
Form for submitting a request for public information by phone
The response to the request is provided within five business days from the date of receipt of the request in the manner chosen by the requestor.
If the request for information concerns information necessary to protect the life or freedom of a person, information about the state of the environment, the quality of food and household items, accidents, disasters, natural hazards and other emergencies that have occurred or may occur and threaten the safety of citizens, the response is provided within 48 hours from the date of receipt of the request.
If the request relates to the provision of a large amount of information or requires the search for information among a significant amount of data, the period for its consideration may be extended up to 20 business days with justification for such an extension. The requestor shall be notified in writing of the extension of the review period no later than five business days from the date of receipt of the request.
Information upon request is provided free of charge.
Procedure for providing access to public information in the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine
If the requested information contains documents with a volume of more than 10 pages, the requestor shall be notified within five business days from the date of receipt of the request, indicating the amount of actual costs associated with copying or printing of documents as well as the details and procedure for reimbursement of such costs. The information shall be provided within three business days after confirmation of payment of the actual costs.
The information administrator has the right to refuse to satisfy the request in accordance with Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On access to public information" in the following cases:
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On access to public information", public information is information reflected and documented by any means and on any media that was obtained or created in the course of the performance by public authorities of their duties under the current legislation or that is in the possession of public authorities other public information managers as defined by this Law.
This Law does not apply to relations concerning the receipt of information by public authorities in the course of exercising their functions, as well as to relations in the field of citizens' appeals, which are regulated by a special law.
Appealing against decisions, actions, or omissions of the information controller
According to Article 23 of the Law "On access to public information"decisions, actions or omissions of information administrators may be appealed to the head of the administrator, a higher authority or a court.
According to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On access to public information", every requestor has the right to appeal against the decision of the:
Appeals against decisions, actions, or omissions of information administrators to the court are made in accordance with the Code of administrative procedure of Ukraine.