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  • Українською
Сitizens' Appeals

Dear citizens!

An appeal to the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine can be submitted in writing to the address: Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, 31, Sholudenka St., Kyiv, 04116 

The appeal is written in an arbitrary form, but must meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On Citizens' Appeals.

The application must:

• contain the surname, given name and patronymic, place of residence of a citizen;

• indicate the essence of the issue, observation, proposal, application or complaint, request or demand;

• put the date, and signature (the electronic application, if it is sent without the use of an electronic digital signature, must be in the form of a scanned copy and/or a photocopy);

• specify an e-mail address to which a reply can be sent or other means of communication.

 An appeal executed without compliance with these requirements shall be returned to the applicant with relevant explanations. 

Form for submitting electronic appeals of citizens to the ESBU

To find out the results of consideration of an appeal sent to the ESBU, please call the telephone number for inquiries on citizens' appeals (044) 236 13 97 from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00, and on Friday from 09:00 to16:45.

The procedure for consideration of citizens' appeals and organization of personal reception of citizens at the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine.

The deadline for consideration of the appeal

By Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On appeals of citizens", appeals shall be considered and resolved within no more than one month after receiving them. Appeals requiring no additional study — immediately, but no later than fifteen days after the date of their receipt. If it is impossible to resolve the issues raised in the appeal within one month, the head of a relevant authority, enterprise, institution, organization, or his/her deputy shall set the necessary deadline for considering it, whereof a person who has filed the appeal shall be notified. In this case, the total period for resolving the issues raised in the appeal may not exceed forty-five days.

Challenging the actions or inaction of state authorities and their officials

By Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens Appeals", a complaint against actions or decisions of a government authority, local government, enterprise, institution, organization, citizens’ association, media, official shall be filed in the order of subordination to a higher authority or official, which shall not deprive a citizen of the right to appeal to court under the current legislation, and in the absence of such an authority or citizen’s disagreement with the decision made on the complaint — directly to court. 

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