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Director of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine Vadym Melnyk met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine Valeriu Chiveri
posted 24 June 2022 14:34


Today, ESBU Director Vadym Melnyk met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine Valeriu Chiveri and Counselor of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine Daniela Turcanu.

At the beginning of the meeting, the parties congratulated each other on the acquisition of Ukraine and Moldova as EU candidates.

They also discussed areas of cooperation in ensuring economic security of the two countries.

In the context of open armed aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, the ESBU is interested in establishing permanent working contacts.  We strive to establish bilateral cooperation and communication with representatives of the border, customs and law enforcement agencies of Moldova.  Also, jointly implement a set of measures to ensure the economic security of Ukraine and Moldova, "said ESBU Director Vadym Melnyk during the meeting.

In particular, the question remains relevant:

 - movement of goods between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova through the territory of Transnistria;

 - transformation of smuggling flows, masking of smuggling of goods for humanitarian aid;

 - export from Ukraine of cash and valuables obtained illegally, which can be used for illegal transactions, including money laundering and terrorist financing.

Earlier, the Director of ESBU at a meeting with representatives of the competent authorities of Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Moldova (State Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova) requested information on Ukrainian citizens suspected of smuggling cash and valuables obtained from Ukraine.

ESBU has developed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership and Cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine, the State Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova.  Currently, the documents are approved by the relevant authorities of the Republic of Moldova.

The parties agreed to continue fruitful cooperation.

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