Detectives of the Territorial Department of the Economic Security Bureau in Odesa region stopped the illegal sale of electronic cigarettes and their accessories through a well-known Telegram channel that had more than 40,000 subscribers. As a result of the searches the employees of the ESBU seized goods worth UAH 10.3 million.
Employees of the Territorial Department established that in April 2022, the Odesa resident created a Telegram channel through which he sold e-cigarettes and components. He stored the products in a rented room which he equipped as a warehouse. The offender delivered cigarettes throughout Ukraine by one of the postal services.
During the searches detectives seized more than 11 thousand e-cigarettes, equipment for the production of liquid, heating systems as well as alcoholic beverages without excise stamps more than 5 thousand containers (10 ml and 30 ml) with tobacco liquid, stickers for them, mobile phones, laptops, cardboard packages for finished products.
The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the detectives of TD of the ESBU in Odesa region in cooperation with operatives of the Odesa border detachment. Procedural management - Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office. The investigation is ongoing.