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A board meeting was held at the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine
posted 24 February 2025 14:46

The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine held a board meeting chaired by Acting Director Serhii Perkhun. The event was joined by Ihor Khokhych, Chief of Staff of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Vasyl Chyzhmar, Deputy Chairman of the Public Control Council of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, Oleh Nemchynov, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, Andriy Haichenko, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for Enforcement Service, and Ruslan Kravchenko, Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

During the meeting, Serhii Perkhun presented the draft Report on the activities of Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for 2024. According to him, last year, in the course of pre-trial investigations in criminal proceedings, the state budget recovered losses in the amount of over UAH 5.3 billion.

‘At the same time, thanks to the work of the analytical units, budget losses of UAH 12 billion were prevented, which undoubtedly confirms the effective work of the ESBU. This is an important contribution to our common fight against the enemy, to the economic security of the country, to its resilience and victory,’ Perkhun said.

Perkhun also noted that last year, ESBU analysts created 1,605 analytical products worth UAH 139.8 billion, sent 881 recommendations to government authorities, and prevented UAH 12 billion in losses to the state.

In addition, the participants considered the organisation of a set of measures to assess risks in the economy, as well as the principles of implementing the ESBU anti-corruption policy and measures to eliminate (minimise) corruption risks in the ESBU activities.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the board approved the Report on the activities of ESBU.

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