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Educational visits

Implementation of the project "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Bureau to protect the EU's financial interests"

From 15 to 23 June 2024, a four-member ESBU delegation visited Riga, Latvia, as part of the fourth phase of the joint project "Support to Strengthening the Capacity of the Economic Security Bureau to Protect the Financial Interests of the EU". The aim of the project is to facilitate the creation and implementation of a system for protecting the financial interests of the European Union and to strengthen the capacity of the ESBU by improving the legal framework, developing methodologies and ensuring the exchange of experience in accordance with the defined action plan.

Study visits and training in Vienna, Republic of Austria

From 15 to 23 June 2024, a delegation of two ESB staff members travelled to Vienna, Republic of Austria, to participate in a number of activities to support Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, including study visits and training on key skills related to criminal investigations of corruption, financial and economic crimes, and digital investigations.

Participation in the seminar "Combating against corruption offences in the field of intellectual property"

From 12 to 17 May 2024, two representatives of the ESBU Territorial Office in Odesa Region took part in the seminar "Combating Intellectual Property Crimes Committed through Corruption" held in Varna, Republic of Bulgaria.

Participation in the OECD program "Tax Inspectors Without Borders"

On April 29 and 30, 2024, the ESBU delegation of three employees took part in the seminar for participants of the OECD program Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB). During the seminar, the participants focused on the protection of the tax system and the fight against illicit financial flows in developing countries.

Participation in the project "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for the protection of EU financial interests"

From April 06 to April 14, 2024, the ESBU delegation consisting of six employees visited Riga, Latvia, as part of the fourth phase of the joint project "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for the protection of EU financial interests". The aim of the project is to facilitate the creation and implementation of a system for protecting the financial interests of the European Union and to strengthen the capacity of the ESBU by improving the legal framework, developing methodologies, and ensuring the exchange of experience in accordance with the defined action plan.

Participation in the seminar "Management of financial investigations"

From 09 to 24 March 2024, the ESBU delegation consisting of two employees traveled to Ostia, Italy, to participate in the training on "Financial Investigation Management". This training program was presented in the form of modules that combined lectures, group discussions, practical exercises, and presentations by participants. All modules were interactive and covered a wide range of issues faced by detectives in the field of tax and financial crime investigations.

Participation in the training of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) for Ukrainian state authorities

From 17 to 23 February 2024, the ESBU delegation visited Brussels (Belgium) to participate in a training organized by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) for Ukrainian public authorities. The main purpose of the training was to familiarize representatives of Ukrainian public authorities with the tasks and functions of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and to teach them how to counteract fraud with EU funds, conduct investigations, etc. to increase the capacity of Ukrainian authorities to protect the financial interests of the EU.

Participation in a training course on investigation and prosecution of financial crimes

From 16 to 26 February 2024, an employee of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine visited Ostia, Italy, to participate in a training course on the investigation and prosecution of financial crimes. The purpose of the training course was to obtain comprehensive knowledge of the participants on the investigation of criminal proceedings related to the legalization (laundering) of the proceeds of crime, investigation of fraud and tax evasion, including during the post-war reconstruction period, as well as cases of fraud, corruption and other offenses affecting the financial interests of the European Union.

Participation in a seminar on the protection of intellectual property rights

From 17 to 20 January 2024, was made a business trip to the Republic of Lithuania (Druskininkai), where representatives of the ESBU took part in a seminar organized by the State Patent Office of the Republic of Lithuania in cooperation with the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The main purpose of the business trip was to participate in a seminar on the protection of intellectual property rights, which focused on infringements of intellectual property rights on the Internet and overlay networks, including the darknet.

Training at the Guardia di Finanza School on "Financial Investigation Management"

During the period from 09 to 24 December 2024, the ESBU representative visited Ostia, Italy, to participate in a two-week training at the Guardia di Finanza Economic and Financial Police School on the topic: "Financial Investigation Management". This training focused on new and innovative technologies that other countries use to combat tax crimes, which in turn is of great interest to the activities of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine.

Participation in the event "Anti-Fraud Network"

From November 27 to December 1, 2023, the ESBU delegation visited Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), where the ESBU representatives took part in the EIB Fraud Fighters Network offline event. The program of the two-day EIB Fraud Fighters Network event included a review of success stories and challenges in cross-border cooperation in investigations, the latest trends in cyber fraud, as well as support for Ukraine: cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities in the fight against fraud. The two-day program was attended by representatives of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Europol, and representatives of national authorities from individual EU member states.

Participation in the training on "Investigation of crimes related to virtual assets" in Vienna (Austria)

On November 12-19, 2023, a business trip to Vienna (Austria) took place. The ESBU representative took part in a training on investigating offenses related to virtual assets. The main goal of the training was to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for the effective investigation of crimes related to virtual assets. Participants were introduced to the most modern methods and tools that help in detecting, investigating, and preventing illegal activities in this area.

Visit to the Republic of Latvia

From November 10 to 18, 2023, the ESBU delegation visited Riga (Latvia) to participate in the third event within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia and the ESBU "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for the protection of EU financial interests" and to identify needs and assess the legal framework of the European Union. The aim of the project is to facilitate the creation and implementation of a system for protecting the financial interests of the European Union and to strengthen the capacity of the ESBU by improving the regulatory framework, developing a methodology and ensuring the exchange of experience in accordance with the defined action plan.

Study program in Tallinn (Republic of Estonia)

From October 28 to November 03, 2023, a business trip to Tallinn (Republic of Estonia) took place. The ESBU representative took part in the training program "Capacity building on EU integration" with the support of the Estonian Centre for International Development and DG Near. The training program included participation in lectures on "Achieving EU membership - strategy and tactics", "How to be ready for successful European integration", visits to the Estonian Center for International Development, the Estonian Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, etc.

Participation in Europol's Silver Axe IX project in Alicante

In the period from October 28 to November 03, 2023, a business trip to Alicante (Kingdom of Spain) took place. The ESBU representative took part in a meeting within the framework of the Europol Silver Axe IX project on counterfeiting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the powers of international organizations, foreign colleagues, and right holders in the fight against illegal pesticide trafficking in the EU and other countries. In addition, close cooperation with both the private sector and law enforcement agencies was emphasized to address problematic issues.

Visit to the Headquarters of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM)

On September 28-30, 2023, at the Headquarters of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) the representatives of the ESBU participated in a meeting on the resumption of the Interagency Regional Analytical Group to improve the interagency mechanism for regular risk and threat assessment in Odesa region, focused on Transnistria and the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi. During the meeting, the participants discussed the organization and areas of work of the MRAG to date in light of current challenges.

Online training

From 18 to 22 September 2023, representatives of the ESBU took part in an online training on the investigation of cryptocurrency offenses organized by the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI).

Visit to Romania

From 10 to 15 September 2023, the ESBU delegation made a business trip to Bucharest (Romania) to participate in the seminar "Bitter Pills: Combating the Illegal Market of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals".

Visit to Montenegro

From 09 to 15 September 2023, the ESBU delegation made a business trip to Budva (Montenegro) to participate in the AFCOS Conference (Anti-Fraud Coordination Service).

Visit to the Republic of Latvia

In the periods from 05 to 13 August, 2023 and from 02 to 06 October 2023, the ESBU delegation was on a business trip to Riga (Latvia) to participate in an event within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia and the ESBU "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for the protection of EU financial interests" and to identify needs and assess the regulatory framework of the European Union. The aim of the project is to facilitate the creation and implementation of a system for protecting the financial interests of the European Union and to strengthen the capacity of the ESBU by improving the regulatory framework, developing methodologies, and ensuring the exchange of experience in accordance with the defined action plan.

Visit to Hungary

In the period from June 25 to July 02, 2023, a representative of the ESBU paid a study visit to Budapest (Hungary) to participate in the training of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) on "Anti Fraud Intelligence Analysis". The purpose of the training is to improve the knowledge and skills of law enforcement officials in the prevention, detection, analysis, and investigation of fraud using advanced criminal analysis to better protect the financial interests of the European Union and its Member States.

Visit to the Republic of Austria

In the period from May 27 to June 04, 2023, the ESBU representative of paid a study visit to Vienna (Republic of Austria) to participate in a training on the "Financial Dimension of Organized Crime" organized within the framework of the Training and Operational Partnership against Organized Crime (TOPCOP) project. The training is intended for experienced officers of 2 law enforcement agencies from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine which are involved in financial investigations and prosecutions, and involves the participation of criminal investigators, prosecutors, judges and financial intelligence officers.

Visit to the Federal Republic of Germany

From 09 to 18 May 2023, representatives of the ESBU paid a study visit to Frankfurt (Federal Republic of Germany) to participate in a training on investigating cryptocurrency offenses, familiarization with blockchain technology, investigation tools, data analytics and research on the use of cryptocurrency. The training was organized by the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) and was held in a mixed format, with 15 ESBU representatives attending the training, ten of whom participated online and five of whom participated in person in Frankfurt (Federal Republic of Germany).

Visit to the Republic of Austria

From 27 to 31 March 2023, the ESBU representative paid a study visit to Vienna (Republic of Austria) to participate in the OCEEA training on anti-money laundering investigations in the field of virtual assets.

Visit to the Czech Republic

From 06 to 11 March 2023, the ESBU representative paid a study visit to the Czech Republic to study the functions and responsibilities of the European Union departments/agencies participating in the Serious and Organized Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA).

Visit to the USA

From February 25 to March 06, 2023, the ESBU delegation consisting of four representatives paid a study visit to the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) of the United States, as well as held meetings with the competent US authorities (Washington, DC, USA).

Visit to the Republic of Moldova 

From November 8 to 10, 2022 ESBU employees went on a business trip to the city of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, to participate in the meeting of the Special Group on Combating the Illegal Trafficking of Tobacco Products.

In Chisinau, employees of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, SELEC, Europol, OLAF, and representatives of the private sector investigated the impact of the Russian war on the illegal circulation of tobacco products.

At the meeting, the participants discussed the existing illegal markets of tobacco products, the representatives of the EU agencies informed about the results and the most effective methods of combating the illegal production of cigarettes and considered measures to combat illegal trade. During the meeting, representatives of Ukrainian and Moldovan agencies shared information about the recently liquidated objects of illegal cigarette production in their countries.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/novi-tendenciyi-u-nezakonnij-torgivli-tyutyunovimi-virobami

Visit to the Republic of Poland 

From November 6 to 10, 2022, an ESBU representative went on a business trip to the Republic of Poland (the city of Warsaw) to participate in the event "Global Summit on Combating Illegal Trade: Central and Eastern Europe".

At the conference, which was attended by current and former heads of state, scientists, opinion leaders, businessmen, and more than two thousand students from the world's leading business schools, the Ukrainian side tried to convey to the world community the importance of strengthening economic support and uniting international forces for a joint victory over aggressor.

Also, during the visit, several meetings were held, in particular with representatives of the Committee on Budget and Financial Policy of the Assembly of the Parliament of Portugal and the leadership of the Legal Police of the Portuguese Republic, at which the main tasks of the ESBU were presented and details of future joint interaction were discussed. In particular, preliminary agreements were reached on bilateral cooperation on the exchange of experience in conducting investigations of economic crimes with the Legal Police of the Portuguese Republic.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/rezultatyvnist-sanktsii-zalezhyt-vid-efektyvnoi-mizhnarodnoi-spivpratsi

Visit to the Republic of Belgium

From August 4 to October 5, 2022, the head of the Department of International Cooperation of the ESBU went on a business trip to the city of Brussels (Belgium) to participate in the "2022 AFCOS Conference" conference.

During the participation in the conference, a meeting was held with the representative of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Belgium, responsible for the direction of sanctions control and blocking of Russian assets, sanctioned legal entities, and individuals - Werner Van Noppen. The parties agreed on the development of an algorithm for cooperation in conducting joint investigations in this direction, identifying, blocking, and transferring to Ukraine the assets of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation, within the competence of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine. The ESBU representative also met with the management of the Public Finance Administration of the Kingdom of Belgium - Nilson Onderbeke (representative of the anti-fraud unit of the Public Finance Administration), Jean-Francois Vandermeulen (head of the Special Tax Inspection of the Public Finance Administration) and Annelisa Levens (adviser to the president of the Public Finance Administration of Belgium from issues of international cooperation). The parties agreed on the exchange of operational information between the ESBU and the Special Tax Inspectorate, within the framework of tax investigations into manipulations and frauds by the powers of the ESBU.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/spilni-rozsliduvannia-shchodo-rosiiskykh-aktyviv-z-makhinatsii-ta-shakhraistva-obmin-operatyvnoiu-informatsiieiu-ta-partnerstvo-z-realizatsii-proiektiv-rezultaty-zustrichi-beb-z-belhiiskymy-kolehamy 

Educational visit to the Republic of Lithuania

From July 9 to 16, 2022, the ESBU representatives made a study visit to the Republic of Lithuania, during which they got acquainted with the specifics of the activities of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the Financial Crimes Investigation Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.

The purpose of the visit is to study the institutional formation of the bodies, the specifics of the exchange of information between them, regulatory and legal regulation, the experience of European integration, to learn from the experience of investigating international crimes and exchange professional experience for more effective work of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/analityky-ta-detektyvy-beb-pereimaiut-krashchyi-ievropeiskyi-dosvid-z-rozsliduvannia-ekonomichnykh-zlochyniv

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/beb-vtiliuvatyme-u-svoii-roboti-naikrashchi-ievropeiski-metodyky-ta-praktyky

Visit of the ESBU representatives to the Republic of Latvia

From July 30 to August 5, 2022, an educational visit of the ESBU representatives took place to the Republic of Latvia, during which there was an exchange of experience with the specifics of the State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia.

During the visit, algorithms were worked out for interaction with the competent authorities of the EU countries, joining the ESBU in active cooperation with the network of state institutions of the EU member states, which are based on the issue of ensuring economic security, as well as the use of analytical tools in the analysis and investigation of violations in the economic sphere.

ESBU representatives got acquainted with the work experience of Latvian colleagues based on practical cases regarding joint investigations of economic crimes, in particular, regarding countering the illegal withdrawal of funds from Ukraine and their return.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/beb-nalahodzhuie-vzaiemodiiu-z-ievropeiskymy-kolehamy

Visit to the Republic of Portugal   

From August 29 to September 5, 2022, the head of the Department of International Cooperation of the ESBU went on a business trip to the Republic of Portugal to participate in the international conference "Estoril Conferences 2022".

At the conference, which was attended by current and former heads of state, scientists, opinion leaders, businessmen, and more than two thousand students from the world's leading business schools, the Ukrainian side tried to convey to the world community the importance of strengthening economic support and uniting international forces for a joint victory over aggressor.

Also, during the visit several meetings were held in particular with representatives of the Committee on Budget and Financial Policy of the Assembly of the Parliament of Portugal and the leadership of the Legal Police of the Portuguese Republic, at which the main tasks of the ESBU were presented and details of future joint interaction were discussed. Preliminary agreements were reached on bilateral cooperation on the exchange of experience in conducting investigations of economic crimes with the Legal Police of the Portuguese Republic. In particular, preliminary agreements were reached on bilateral cooperation on the exchange of experience in conducting investigations of economic crimes with the Legal Police of the Portuguese Republic.

More details: https://esbu.gov.ua/news/rezultatyvnist-sanktsii-zalezhyt-vid-efektyvnoi-mizhnarodnoi-spivpratsi

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