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Sent counterfeit cigarettes on the market: ESBU in Bukovina took the case to court
posted 07 December 2023 13:00

Detectives of the Territorial Department of the Economic Security Bureau in Chernivtsi region sent to court the case file against a Bukovina resident who illegally sold counterfeit excisable goods.

Since August 2023, the 48-year-old Bukovina resident has been illegally purchasing, storing and selling counterfeit tobacco products on the territory of a local market. However the man did not have a license to trade in excisable goods.

During the searches the detectives of the ESBU seized more than 7 thousand packs of cigarettes worth about UAH 600 thousand.

The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceeding on the grounds of a criminal offense stipulated by Part 1 Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal purchase, sale or transportation of illegally manufactured tobacco products, tobacco or other excisable goods) was conducted by detectives of the Territorial Department of the ESBU in Chernivtsi region under the procedural supervision of the Chernivtsi Regional Prosecutor's Office.

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