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A resident of Chernihiv will be tried for selling illegally produced alcohol
posted 22 December 2023 14:00

Detectives of the Territorial Department of the Economic Security Bureau in Kyiv region sent to court an indictment against a resident of Chernihiv for selling illegally produced alcohol.

The investigation established that the man organized the sale of illegally produced cognac and vodka products without excise stamps throughout Ukraine. The products were poured into 10-liter bags and Bag-in-Boxes and sold in large batches to trusted customers.

As a result of the searches the employees of the ESBU seized several hundred liters of alcohol and alcohol-containing substances.

Currently the organizer of the scheme was served a notice of suspicion under Part 1 Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The indictment was sent to court.

The offender faces a fine of five to ten thousand tax-free minimum incomes with confiscation and destruction of illegally produced goods.

Prosecutors of the Kyiv Region Prosecutor's Office provided procedural supervision.

As a reminder the ESBU recently sent to court an indictment against a resident of Kyiv region for the illegal manufacture and sale of excisable goods.

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