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18,500 packs of the cigarettes were seized by the Territorial Department of the ESBU
posted 03 February 2023 15:33

The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine carries out comprehensive measures to stop the illegal circulation of excise goods. As a result of the work done by the detectives of the territorial offices of the ESBU during the past week, several persons who sold alcohol and cigarettes were discovered, 18,500 packs of cigarettes were seized and the illegal production of alcoholic beverages was stopped.

In the Lviv region, employees of the ESBU , the Lviv Border Guard and the National Police caught a person involved in criminal proceedings "red handed" while receiving excise goods at a post office.

According to the results of the search of his car, the law enforcement officers discovered and seized 5,000 packs of cigarettes with special tax stamps of the Republic of Moldova and more than 1,000 packs without special tax stamps. The estimated cost of tobacco products is over UAH 300,000. In addition, 20 bottles of ready-made alcoholic products with excise stamps with signs of counterfeiting, 40 liters of liquid with a characteristic smell of alcohol, etc., were seized.

Further sale of the counterfeit was planned for cash. All detected products were removed and submitted for examination.

The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings initiated under Art. 204 of the Criminal Code (illegal manufacture, storage, sale or transportation for the purpose of sale of excise goods). The ESBU detectives identify persons involved in the commission of a criminal offense, as well as sources of supply of counterfeit alcohol and tobacco.

In the Volyn region, detectives of TD ESBU, together with the SBU and the National Police, exposed a resident of the Kovel district, who was engaged in illegal storage, purchase and sale of illegally manufactured excise goods (tobacco products) without excise tax stamps. During the attempt to sell the next batch of illegally manufactured tobacco products, the detectives of the ESBU conducted a search and seized 7,500 packs of cigarettes without Ukrainian excise tax stamps with an approximate value of UAH 440,000 and a car with a value of UAH 960,000. The figure was informed of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 1 of Article 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Based on the results of the pre-trial investigation, the Volyn regional prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court.

The detectives of the Territorial Administration of the Security Service in Chernivtsi region exposed a citizen who purchased 5,000 packs of cigarettes without excise tax stamps, which he planned to sell at his place of residence to residents of Chernivtsi region. However, the illegal activity was stopped. According to the results of searches of his car, illegally manufactured tobacco products with excise tax stamps with signs of forgery were discovered and seized.

The examination confirmed that the labeling on the specified tobacco products did not meet the requirements of the legislation. Subsequently, the court seized the products and the vehicle. The amount of confiscated property is about UAH 400,000.

The Chernivtsi regional prosecutor's office sent the indictment to the court.

The fight against the illegal market of excise goods continues.

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